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b168c8-Zaporizhzhya region.

International code (MK) – b168c8d0e0. Gwhere d0 = 1 to 20, from 17.07.. d0 = 1 to 5. Watch BMCC

b168Ukraine c8- Zaporozhye region d3- Zaporizhzhya region x0- Communities e0- Settlements

c8- Zaporozhye region
Area Org.gos.uprav. Org.self-management.ОСУ Code

The number


Name Code Naz Code Naz Code nas.punk.






OGU m1-o Berdyansk City Council n1 e1-e5 d3e0g0h6i3
Primorsky City Council n2 e1-e21
Andreevskaya village community n3 e1-e14
Chernihiv village community n4 e1-e39
Andrivka rural community n5 e1-e4
Berestovskaya rural community n6 e1-e11
Kolarovsky rural community n7 e1-e11
Osipenkovskaya rural community n8 e1-e7


m1-o Vasilievsky city council n1 e1-e18
Dniprorudnensk city council n2 e1-e3
Energodar City Council n3 e1-e1
Kamensko-Dneprovsky city council n4 e1-e3
Mikhailovskaya village community n5 e1-e12
Stepnogorsk village community n6 e1-e9
Annunciation rural community n7 e1-e7
Velikobelozersk rural community n8 e1-e5
Vodian rural community n9 e1-e8
Malobilozerskaya rural community n10 e1-e8
Rozdol rural community n11 e1-e32


m1-o Volnyansk city council n1 e1-e16
Zaporizhzhya City Council n2 e1-e8
Kamyshevakhsky settlement community n3 e1-e30
Kushugum settlement community n4 e1-e3
Novonikolaevskaya village community n5 e1-e54
Ternuvat village community n6 e1-e16
Belenkovskaya rural community n7 e1-e9
Dolinsky rural community n8 e1-e9
Matveevskaya rural community n9 e1-e12
Mikhailovskaya rural community n10 e1-e15
Mikhail Lukashovsky rural community n11 e1-26
Novoalexandrovskaya rural community n12 e1-e7
Pavlovsk rural community n13 e1-e21
Petro-Mikhailovskaya rural community n14 e1-e18
Stepna rural community n15 e1-e8
Taurida rural community n16 e1-e3
Shirokovskaya rural community n17 e1-e35


m1-o Melitopol City Council n1 e1-e1
Veselovskaya rural community n2 e1-e11
Кирилловская поселковая община n3 e1-e8
Мирненская поселковая община n4 e1-e9
Novovasilevskaya village community n5 e1-e20
Priazovskaya village community n6 e1-e18
Yakimov village community n7 e1-e36
Konstantinovskaya rural community n8 e1-e2
Novenskaya rural community n9 e1-e12
Novobogdanovskaya rural community n10 e1-e6
Novouspenovskaya rural community n11 e1-e9
Aleksandrovskaya rural community n12 e1-e14
Fertile rural community n13 e1-e12
Semenovskaya rural community n14 e1-e21
Terpenyevsky rural community n15 e1-e19
Chkalovsk rural community n16 e1e10


m1-o Гуляйпольский городской совет n1 e1-e32
Молочанскийа городской совет n2 e1-23
Orekhovsky city council n3 e1-e8
Pologovskiy City Council n4 e1-e23
Tokmak City Council n5 e1-e26
Bilmak village community n6 e1-e26
Kamysh-Zoryanskaya village community n7 e1-e10
Rozovskaya village community n8 e1-e28
Vozdvizhivska rural community n9 e1-e13
Resurrection rural community n10 e1-e4
Malinovsky rural community n11 e1-e13
Malotokmachan rural community n12 e1-e4
Preobrazhenskaya rural community n13 e1-e13
Smirnovskaya rural community n4 e1-e8
Fedorovskaya rural community n15 e1-e11

17 july 2020 of the year a new division of the area is accepted on 5 districts

Area Population
1 Berdyansk district 183,9 r. Berdyansk
2 Vasilievsky district 188,7 r. Vasilievka
3 Zaporizhzhya region 874,2 r. Zaporizhzhia
4 Melitopol district 286,6 r. Melitopol
5 Pologovsky district 172,5 r. Childbirth

Districts, in turn, are divided into urban, поселковые и сельские united territorial communities (укр. united territorial community).


Обращения ГВС

State Geocadastre of Ukraine 14.01.2021



Zaporizhia Regional State Administration

Personally: Туринок Vitaly Viktorovich



Person 1

Zaporozhye region, Zaporozhye district,

from. Vladimir, street. The world, N, square N

tel. 096-311-..-..

Email: v…………….

Appeal to the Regional State Administration in the second.

Please provide a power of attorney head of the Shirokiv RSA1*, Head of the Zaporizhia Regional State Administration, Shirokiv community та директору ДП Запорізького НДІ Землеустрою про проведення комісійної перевірки по встановлення факту порушення права користування земельною ділянкою призначеною для сільськогосподарського виробництва як належить Особі 1. on private property rights.

Порушення права користування земельною ділянкою та не відновлення порушеного права на її користування яке триває такий довгий час, створено в наслідок безконтрольності та порушення з боку вище вказаних структур законодавчих норм які регулюють земельні відносини в державі Україна.

  1. To oblige Shirokiv RSA to create a commission of specialists to inspect the land plot at its location, and find out the reason for the mismatch of cadastral numbers, який у проекті значиться за № 232 218 1600:02:001:0029 в Земельному кадастрі № 232 218 1600:02:001:1059, determine which of them is valid and correct in all relevant documents.
  2. To oblige the Zaporizhzhya Research Institute of Land Management to send specialists, including a surveyor with an electronic tachometer, to work in the commission, для визначення фактичних координат земельної ділянки які зазначені у технічній документації, (addition 1), which was developed by the Zaporizhia Research Institute of Land Management, as well as to bring in line the information to be entered in the State Land Cadastre.
  3. To include the Person in the commission 1 and its representative – Full name on her instructions.
  4. Issue within ten days, Person 1, The act of inspection with the indication of all without exception carried out inspections, the course of terms shall be established from the date of issuance of instructions by the head of the Regional State Administration.

Note: Person 1 all land management works on acquisition of the property right to the land plot are paid in full, включаючи визначення земельної ділянки на місцевості та встановлення межових знаків, those. document. inv.№9 / 214-2399 from 06.12.2011 але в подальшому в полі в якому знаходиться ця земельна ділянка, an additional plot of land has appeared, this led to a shift in the boundaries of the plots, цей факт як і різні кадастрові номери, потребуєте перевірки компетентними органами на законність їх появи, та на предмет нанесення збитків Особі 1

Додаток копії:

  1. Pages 1, 21, проекту Технічної документації інв. №9 / 214-2399 restoration of the boundaries of the land plot in kind to the Person 1 and the establishment of boundary markers.
  2. Лист Запорізьку обласну державну адміністрацію від 11.02.2019р.

18.09.2019 підпис Person 1


Representative Tel. 097-…………….

Note: 1* Specified – :head of the Shirokiv RSA1*, must be specified – head of the Zaporozhye Regional State Administration, Shirokiv community ….


Addition 2

Zaporozhye regional state


Personally: Bryl Konstantin Ivanovich


GU SFS of the Zaporozhye region

In. chief

Personally: Manko to Valery Alexandrovich


Person 1

Zaporozhye region, Zaporozhye district,

from. Vladimir, street. The world, N, square N

tel. 096-311-..-..

Person 1, (Паспорт Серія СВ №388…), (Identification code 20267…..), (Pension certificate Series AD №232…), (A person with a disability as a result of an occupational injury, Reference MSEK Series AD №022…), (further - the Person 1)

Person 1 is the owner of the land area 4,6803 ga. для сільськогосподарського виробництва (Cadastral number № 2322181600:02:001:1059 - Extract of the State Register of Real Rights to Immovable Property on registration of ownership – extract number 32705… from 27.01.2015. - Cadastral number of the plot № 2322181600:02:001:1059 відповідає Кадастровому реєстру України, але в документації розробленої ДП Запорізьким НДІ Землеустрою для Особи 1 – Technical documentation on land management for the preparation of documents, право на земельну – Z356-10-2011 – PV on the sheet 1 – Cadastral plan of the land plot, certifying the right to land, вказано кадастровій номер № 2322181600:02:001:0029, (further - ZD)

As a result of mistakes, part of the Personal Income Tax 1 began to use the tenant of neighboring plots – (Limit: from AB - Pyrh, P.P.; from VG - Chernyuk NA), ТОВ «Незалежна аграрна індустрія», Ідентифікаційний код 23788841.

Багато разові звернення Особи 1 to land management structures starting from Shirokinskaya rural family to the Regional State Administration of Zaporizhia district, Zaporozhye region on violation of the property right of the Person 1 for the use and disposal of land, the cost of which: 13142 UAH. відповідно Сертифікату Серія З П № 0162185 from 25.02.1995; 40436,83 UAH. according to the Extract №755 dated April 26, 2010. and the property right of the State Act 1-ЗП certified № 067881 has not been resolved at the level established by law.

Додатково ГУ ФДС у Запоріжський обл. робить Податкове повідомлення-рішення від 30.05.2018р. на суму 5050,92 UAH. land tax for 4, 6803ga. land intended for agricultural production, counts 5% at the established mach. 1%, маючи всю інформацію про стан не використання земельної ділянки Особою 1, the reason given above, при цьому ГУ ФДС не використовується інформаційна база встановлену Законом України в тому числі Закон про державну службу України, and deals with the threat of seizure of the Person's property 1 in case of non-payment of the illegal Tax notice-decision.

Прошу в адміністративному порядку відновити право на користування та розпорядження земельною ділянкою – cadastral № 2322181600:02:001:1059, та зобов’язати на досудовому рівні добровільно відшкодувати винними особами матеріальні та моральні збитки нанесені Особі 1

All documents are given in the text, is in the originals of the Person 1.


11.02.2019 Signature Person 1

Representative – Tel. 097-…………..

a1b0-States of the planet Earth

ННО – (National people's associations) – states of the third millennium

Этот интернет ресурс создается с применениемDigital coding marker letter (БМЦК), which allows you to simultaneously apply a static, функциональное и динамическое кодирование на этой основе позволяет создать унифицированную автоматизированную систему управления ННО, the completion of the system will be announced in the final form in the current topics of the portal “Man in an abnormal era of self-destruction and survival”(ЧАЭСВ)

a0b0; a0- List of planets; b0- List of states on the planet.

where a is a marker of planets, a0 - number of planets, a0 — в коде индикатор маркера защищённого паролем; b- marker of states; b0- number of states, b0 — в коде индикатор маркера защищённого паролем.

(States taken from Wikipedia)

a1b0 – List of states on planet Earth Information
at ChNPP
room Flag Country Full country name
b168 Ukraine Ukraine Страна в которой создано БМЦК b168;b16;
b1 Australia Australia Australia
b2 Austria Austria Austrian republic
b3 Azerbaijan Azerbaijan The Republic of Azerbaijan
b4 Albania Albania Republic of Albania
b5 Algeria Algeria Algerian People's Democratic Republic
b6 Angola Angola Republic of Angola
b7 Andorra Andorra Principality of Andorra
b8 Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda
b9 Argentina Argentina Argentine Republic
b10 Armenia Armenia Republic of Armenia
b11 Afghanistan Afghanistan Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
b12 Bahamas Bahamas Commonwealth of the Bahamas
b13 Bangladesh Bangladesh People's Republic of Bangladesh
b14 Barbados Barbados Barbados
B15 Bahrain Bahrain Kingdom of Bahrain
b16 Byelorussia Byelorussia Republic of Belarus
b17 Belize Belize Belize
b18 Belgium Belgium Kingdom of Belgium
b19 Benin Benin Republic of Benin
b20 Bulgaria Bulgaria Republic of Bulgaria
b21 Bolivia Bolivia Plurinational State of Bolivia
b22 Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina
b23 Botswana Botswana Republic of Botswana
b24 Brazil Brazil Federative Republic of Brazil
b25 Brunei Brunei State of Brunei Darussalam
B26 Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso
b27 Burundi Burundi Republic of Burundi
b28 Bhutan Bhutan Kingdom of Bhutan
b29 Vanuatu Vanuatu Republic of Vanuatu
b30 Great Britain Great Britain United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
b31 Hungary Hungary Hungary
b32 Venezuela Venezuela Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
b33 East Timor East Timor Democratic Republic of Timor Leste
b34 Vietnam Vietnam Socialist Republic of Vietnam
b35 Gabon Gabon Gabonese Republic
b36 Republic of Haiti Haiti Republic of Haiti
b37 Guyana Guyana Cooperative Republic of Guyana
b38 Gambia Gambia Republic of the Gambia
b39 Ghana Ghana Republic of Ghana
b40 Guatemala Guatemala Republic of Guatemala
b41 Guinea Guinea Guinea Republic
b42 Guinea Bissau Guinea Bissau Republic of Guinea-Bissau
b43 Germany Germany Federal Republic of Germany
b44 Honduras Honduras Republic of Honduras
b45 Grenada Grenada Grenada
b46 Greece Greece Hellenic Republic
b47 Georgia Georgia Georgia
b48 Denmark Denmark Kingdom of Denmark
b49 Djibouti Djibouti Republic of Djibouti
b50 Dominica Dominica Commonwealth of Dominica
b51 Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic
b52 Egypt Egypt Arab Republic of Egypt
b53 Zambia Zambia Republic of Zambia
b54 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Republic of Zimbabwe
b55 Israel Israel State of Israel
b56 India India Republic of India
b57 Indonesia Indonesia Republic of Indonesia
b58 Jordan Jordan Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
b59 Iraq Iraq Republic of Iraq
b60 Iran Iran Islamic Republic of Iran
b61 Ireland Ireland Ireland
b62 Iceland Iceland Iceland
b63 Spain Spain The Kingdom of Spain
b64 Italy Italy Italian Republic
b65 Yemen Yemen Yemen Republic
b66 Cape Verde Cape Verde Republic of Cape Verde
b67 Kazakhstan Kazakhstan The Republic of Kazakhstan
b68 Cambodia Cambodia Kingdom of Cambodia
b69 Cameroon Cameroon Republic of Cameroon
b70 Canada Canada Canada
b71 Qatar Qatar State of Qatar
b72 Kenya Kenya Republic of Kenya
b73 Republic of Cyprus Cyprus Republic of Cyprus
b74 Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyz Republic
b75 Kiribati Kiribati Republic of Kiribati
b76 China China People's Republic of China
b77 Colombia Colombia Republic of Columbia
b78 Comoros Comoros Union of the Comoros
b79 Republic of the Congo Congo Republic of the Congo
b80 Democratic Republic of the Congo DR Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo
b81 Democratic People's Republic of Korea DPRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea
b82 The Republic of Korea Korea The Republic of Korea
b83 Costa Rica Costa Rica Republic of Costa Rica
b84 Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Republic of Côte d'Ivoire
b85 Cuba Cuba Republic of Cuba
b86 Kuwait Kuwait State of Kuwait
b87 Laos Laos Lao People's Democratic Republic
b88 Latvia Latvia Latvian republic
b89 Lesotho Lesotho Kingdom of Lesotho
b90 Liberia Liberia Republic of Liberia
b91 Lebanon Lebanon Lebanese Republic
b92 Libya Libya State of Libya
b93 Lithuania Lithuania Republic of Lithuania
b94 Liechtenstein Liechtenstein Principality of Liechtenstein
b95 Luxembourg Luxembourg Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
b96 Mauritius Mauritius Republic of Mauritius
b97 Mauritania Mauritania Islamic Republic of Mauritania
b98 Madagascar Madagascar Republic of Madagascar
b99 Malawi Malawi Republic of Malawi
b100 Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia
b101 Small Small Republic of Mali
b102 Maldives Maldives Maldives
b103 Malta Malta Republic of Malta
b104 Morocco Morocco Kingdom of Morocco
b105 Marshall Islands Marshall Islands Republic of the Marshall Islands
b106 Mexico Mexico United Mexican States
b107 Mozambique Mozambique Republic of Mozambique
b108 Moldavia Moldavia The Republic of Moldova
b109 Monaco Monaco Principality of Monaco
b110 Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia
b111 Myanmar Myanmar Republic of the Union of Myanmar
b112 Namibia Namibia Republic of Namibia
b113 Nauru Nauru Republic of Nauru
b114 Nepal Nepal Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
b115 Niger Niger Republic of Niger
b116 Nigeria Nigeria Federal Republic of Nigeria
b117 Netherlands Netherlands Kingdom of the Netherlands
b118 Nicaragua Nicaragua Republic of Nicaragua
b119 New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand
b120 Norway Norway Kingdom of Norway
b121 United Arab Emirates UAE United Arab Emirates
b122 Oman Oman Sultanate of Oman
b123 Pakistan Pakistan Islamic Republic of Pakistan
b124 Palau Palau Republic of Palau
b125 Panama Panama Republic of Panama
b126 Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea Independent State of Papua New Guinea
b127 Paraguay Paraguay Republic of Paraguay
b128 Peru Peru Republic of Peru
b129 Poland Poland Republic of Poland
b130 Portugal Portugal Portuguese Republic
b131 Russia Russia Russian Federation
b132 Rwanda Rwanda Republic of Rwanda
b133 Romania Romania Romania
b134 El Salvador El Salvador Republic of El Salvador
b135 Samoa Samoa Independent State of Samoa
b136 San Marino San Marino Republic of San Marino
b137 Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome and Principe Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe
b138 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
b139 Flag of North Macedonia North Macedonia Republic of North Macedonia
b140 Seychelles Seychelles Republic of Seychelles
b141 Senegal Senegal Republic of Senegal
b142 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
b143 Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts and Nevis Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis
b144 Saint Lucia Saint Lucia Saint Lucia
b145 Serbia Serbia Republic of Serbia
b146 Singapore Singapore Republic of Singapore
b147 Syria Syria Syrian Arab Republic
b148 Slovakia Slovakia The Slovak Republic
b149 Slovenia Slovenia Republic of Slovenia
b151 Solomon islands Solomon islands Solomon islands
b152 Somalia Somalia Federal Republic of Somalia
b153 Sudan Sudan Republic of Sudan
b154 Suriname Suriname Republic of Suriname
b155 Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Republic of Sierra Leone
b156 Tajikistan Tajikistan The Republic of Tajikistan
b157 Thailand Thailand Kingdom of Thailand
b158 Tanzania Tanzania United Republic of Tanzania
b159 Togo Togo Togolese Republic
b160 Tonga Tonga Kingdom of Tonga
b161 Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
b162 Tuvalu Tuvalu Tuvalu
b163 Tunisia Tunisia Republic of Tunisia
b164 Turkmenistan Turkmenistan Turkmenistan
b165 Turkey Turkey Turkish Republic
b166 Uganda Uganda Republic of Uganda
b167 Uzbekistan Uzbekistan The Republic of Uzbekistan
b168 Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine
b169 Uruguay Uruguay Eastern Republic of Uruguay
b170 Federated States of Micronesia Micronesia Federated States of Micronesia
b171 Fiji Fiji Fiji
b172 Philippines Philippines Republic of the Philippines
b173 Finland Finland Republic of Finland
b174 France France French Republic
b175 Croatia Croatia Republic of Croatia
b176 Central African Republic TSAR Central African Republic
b177 Chad Chad Republic of Chad
b178 Montenegro Montenegro Montenegro
b179 Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic
b180 Chile Chile Chile
b181 Switzerland Switzerland Swiss Confederation
b182 Sweden Sweden Kingdom of Sweden
b183 Sri Lanka flag Sri Lanka Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
b184 Ecuador Ecuador Republic of Ecuador
b185 Equatorial Guinea Equatorial Guinea Republic of Equatorial Guinea
b186 Eritrea Eritrea State of Eritrea
b187 Esvatini Esvatini Kingdom of Eswatini
b188 Estonia Estonia Estonian Republic
b189 Ethiopia Ethiopia Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
b190 South Africa South Africa South Africa
b191 South Sudan South Sudan Republic of South Sudan
b192 Jamaica Jamaica Jamaica
b193 Japan Japan State of Japan



Permanent observers at UN

room Flag Country Full country name Date of obtaining observer status at the UN
b194 Vatican Vatican Vatican City State 1964 year
b195 State of Palestine Palestine State of Palestine 29 November 2012 of the year

States with incomplete recognition

Partially recognized states

States, признанные хотя бы одним государством — членом ООН:

room Flag Country Full country name
b196 Republic of Abkhazia Abkhazia Republic of Abkhazia
b197 Republic of Kosovo Kosovo Republic of Kosovo
b198 Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus TRSK Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
b199 Republic of China Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan)
b200 Sahara Arab Democratic Republic SADR Sahara Arab Democratic Republic
b201 South Ossetia South Ossetia Republic of South Ossetia (State of Alania)

Unrecognized states

States, not recognized by any UN member state:

room Flag Country Full country name
b202 Nagorno-Karabakh Republic NKR Nagorno-Karabakh Republic
b203 Transnistrian Moldavian Republic PMR Transnistrian Moldavian Republic
b204 Donetsk People's Republic DPR Donetsk People's Republic
b205 Luhansk People's Republic LNR Luhansk People's Republic
b206 Somaliland Somaliland Republic of Somaliland
b207 And (the state) And State of Wa
b208 Shan (state) Shan Shang State
b209 Waziristan Waziristan Islamic Emirate of Waziristan
b210 Ambazonia Ambazonia Federal Republic of Ambazonia

Virtual states

Virtual states не имеют значимости в международном сообществе, are not recognized and are not independent.

Other formations

Associates from New Zealand государства

room Flag Country Full country name
b211 Niue Niue Niue
b212 Cook islands Cook islands Cook islands

Territories with undefined status

room Flag Country Full country name
b213 Sahara Arab Democratic Republic West Sahara Sahara Arab Democratic Republic
b214 Free Kashmir Azad-Kashmir Azad Jammu and Kashmir


Education, having a permanent (root) population and own citizenship.

Overseas territories, sometimes categorized as separate holdings

Dependent territories, with no permanent population

Other territories

  • b266- Supranational formations (confederations): European Union (organization with supranational political and financial levels of government, but not officially a confederation or other form of state), Union state;
  • b267- Subnational territories: autonomy (Athos, etc.. P.), parts of federations, reservations, constituent parts of the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland);
  • b268– Order of Malta. Under international law, the sovereignty of the Order of Malta is considered at the level of diplomatic missions, but not as the sovereignty of the state. Has the status of an observer organization at the UN;
  • b269- Condominiums (joint territories);
  • b270- Disputed territories (Gilgit-Baltistan и т. P.);
  • b271- No man's land (Bir-Tavil, Antarctica, sections of the Serbo-Croatian border);
  • b272- Tribal kingdoms;
  • b273- Territories of non-contact peoples;
  • b274- Neutral territories;
  • B275- Leased territories (Baikonur, etc.. P.);
  • b276- Military bases;
  • b277- Private property;
  • B278- Exiled Governments;
  • b279- Special economic zones;
  • b280- Territories, not controlled by the central governments of a number of countries and claiming or not claiming full independence (national liberation movements, rebels, separatists).

Cm. also


Design version

“Marker letter digital coding” (Further – BMCK), together with «System virtual information communication» (Further SWIK) will create “Automated State Control Terminal” (Further –TAUG), able to eliminate manual control to accelerate the process of building a democratic society of the third millennium, automate the management of all processes of the Political, The economic, Social sphere of the state, in the end – bring humanity out of the dead end of civilization (self-destruction), build a state for the people living on the territory of the state.

General information about BMCC

Anatoly Iosifovich Varivola (aiv)

Украина страна в которой создано «Буква маркер цифровое кодирование» — позволяет одновременно производить кодирование: Static, Functional, Dynamic management of static and functional codes – spend unification, structure information infinite in time and space, automate its processing and apply in management processes in all spheres of human activity at the local, state, international levels, allows multilevel passwords to protect information, including h. exclude false information, including political information, will reduce the time for transmitting information by not repeating the transmission of previously transmitted information, incl.. modified, only changes are transferred. В перспективе создана уникальная возможность при помощи БМЦК create "Terminal", automated state management" (TAUG) which provides the opportunity to fully use modern digital and IT technologies, as well as protect control information from internal and external distortion.

International code of the author of the portal – all sites included in the portal and БМЦКi4h40бg35f8c26b168.a1iv, author's details are protected by ternary password

Practical testing БМЦК started in stages from December 2020., starting with Static, further will be continued on the Functional, then Dynamic coding of information of individual structures of the Political sphere, Economic sphere, Social sphere of the state b168-Ukraine – on its abstract model, taking into account the prospects for building an NGO state of the third millennium with the use of digital technologies, including testing on separate structures of the states of the world community with subsequent publication on the websites of the portal» rubric – States of planet Earth a1iv., target – to test and publicly show the perspective and possibilities of coding БМЦК for – 193 – UN member states and all other states of the planet Earth.

With project a1iv,, b168.a1iv can be reviewed as publications are posted in real time, finally after posting in current topics, which will be done after the end of the information modification based on БМЦК on all Internet resources of the portal,,, these Internet resources are experimental parts of the project, starting from 2012. development and creation БМЦК.

Preparing to register a trademark aka the future domain name – portal of the State of planet Earth (GPZ)

Товарный знак создателя ТАУГ и всей его продукции
For the favicon For all created products


BMTsK patenting is being prepared – (Bookmarker digital coding)

Static encoding

  1. a1-o Planets of the Universe
  2. b1-o States of the planet
  3. c1-o Region, Region, …
  4. f1-o Oblast district, region, …
  5. g1-o № street
  6. h1-o No. of houses
  7. i1-o No. of apartments, offices, …
  8. j1-o ФИО A wise manWhere: Lettermarker is lowercase English letters- a, b, c, …, o – любое число нужной величины.

Functional coding

The BMCC functional coding system will be briefly outlined after patenting, not given for reasons of not disclosing a patent claim.

Dynamic encoding

Dynamic coding system BMCC will be summarized after patenting, not given for reasons of not disclosing a patent claim.


System virtual information communication

Main function Internet resources are "System virtual information communication» (Further SWIK) between subjects (Homo) living on planet Earth.

Structurally, any state includes three areas: The political, The economic, Social, (further - SG SPES). System inPpbutinstate ownership (Further - SUG) includes the management of numerous functions of all areas, included in SG SPES.

Currently, at the initial stage of the application of SWIK for SG SPES in the aisles of separate sets of functions, included in the SG, limited to, using the main function of SWIC static encoding, this is – digitization of existing reference information systems: books, newspaper, Photo, audi, video materials, including separate procedures for registration of certain types of services, reporting, which are subsequently placed in digitized form on Internet resources, with SWIC function.



Svyatoshinsky district




Name st





Name st.




at ChNPP



G1 Aleksukhina H1-Hh G63 underground “Zhytomyr” H1-Hh
G2 B. Okruzhnaya H1-Hh G64 underground “Svyatoshin” H1-Hh G35H40б,





























































G3 Бахмачская H1-Hh G65 Moskvoretskaya H1-Hh
G4 Беличанская H1-Hh G66 Naumova H1-Hh
G5 Берковецкая H1-Hh G67 Obukhovskaya H1-Hh
G6 Budarina H1-Hh G68 Oktyabrsky lane H1-Hh
G7 Bulakhovsky H1-Hh G69 Olevskaya H1-Hh
G8 Bulgakov H1-Hh G70 Oniskevich H1-Hh
G9 Бучанская H1-HH G71 Autumn lane H1-Hh
G10 Vernadsky Blvd H1-Hh G72 Oennya H1-Hh
G11 Verkhovyna H1-Hh G73 Recreation H1-Hh
G12 Verkhovyna H1-Hh G74 Pavlenko H1-Hh
G13 Vitruka H1-Hh G75 Palladin Ave. H1-Hh
G14 G. Cosmos H1-Hh G76 Parisian commune lane H1-Hh
G15 G. Yury H1-Hh G77 Paris Commune H1-Hh
G16 Garshina H1-Hh G78 May Day H1-Hh
G17 Gorenskaya H1-Hh G79 Pervomaisky lane H1-Hh
G18 Grigorovich-Barsky H1-Hh G80 Petritsky H1-Hh
G19 Ninth of May H1-Hh G81 Fruit H1-Hh
G20 Deputy H1-Hh G82 Podlesnaya H1-Hh
G21 Доброхотова H1-Hh G83 It rolled H1-Hh
G22 Доковская H1-Hh G84 Ponomareva H1-Hh
G23 Dry Clouds H1-Hh G85 Potapova H1-Hh
G24 Druzhkovskaya H1-Hh G86 Instrument lane H1-Hh
G25 senina H1-Hh G87 Instrument lane. H1-Hh
G26 Efremova H1-Hh G88 Прилужная H1-Hh
G27 Zheludeva H1-Hh G89 Pushina H1-Hh
G28 Scenic H1-Hh G90 Be R. Rollana H1-Hh
G29 Жмеринская H1-Hh G91 Working H1-Hh
G30 Architects H1-Hh G92 Rachmaninov H1-Hh
G31 Irpenskaya H1-Hh G93 Romanyuk H1-Hh
G32 Kamyanets-Podolskaya H1-Hh G94 S. Sosninykh H1-Hh
G33 Kamyanets-Podilsky lane H1-Hh G95 Svyatoshinskaya Sq H1-Hh
G34 Kiprianova H1-Hh G96 Святошинская H1-Hh
G35 Klavdievskaya H1-H40б-Hh G97 Svyatoshinsky lane H1-Hh
G36 Annular H1-Hh G98 Semashko H1-Hh
G37 The ring was H1-Hh G99 Serkova H1-Hh
G38 Queen pr H1-Hh G100 Sickle H1-Hh
G39 Queen H1-Hh G101 Simirenko H1-Hh
G40 Коростенская H1-Hh G102 102. Pine H1-Hh
G41 Корсунская H1-Hh G103 Stepanchenko H1-Hh
G42 Kotelnikova H1-Hh G104 Steshenkov H1-Hh
G43 Kramsky h1-Hh G105 Stusa H1-Hh
G44 Krasnova H1-Hh G106 Greenhouse H1-Hh
G45 Kremenetsky lane H1-Hh G107 Ternopil H1-Hh
G46 Krichevsky H1-Hh G108 Trublaini H1-Hh
G47 Crimean H1-Hh G109 Toulouse H1-Hh
G48 Kuznetsova H1-Hh G110 Tupolev H1-Hh
G49 Kulibina H1-Hh G111 Uzinskaya H1-Hh
G51 Kurbas H1-Hh G112 Ulitina H1-Hh
G51 Kurinny H1-Hh G113 Ushakova H1-Hh
G52 Coachman H1-Hh G114 Khmelnitskaya H1-Hh
G53 Lumberjack H1-Hh G115 Chaadaeva H1-Hh
G54 Linden H1-Hh G116 Chaly H1-Hh
G55 Litvinenko-Volgemut H1-Hh G117 Chernobyl H1-Hh
G56 Lviv H1-Hh G118 Shevchenko lane H1-Hh
G57 Malevnycha H1-Hh G119 School H1-Hh
G58 Malevnychiy lane H1-Hh G120 Shulgina per H1-Hh
G59 Malinskaya H1-Hh G121 Youthful H1-Hh
G60 Малинский пер H1-Hh G122 J. Kolas H1-Hh
G61 International H1-Hh G123 Yakutsk H1-Hh
G62 underground “Akademgorodok” H1-Hh G124 Yasnopolyanskaya H1-Hh