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b168 Ukraine
Neighboring states

b16 Belarus, b31 Hungary, b108 Moldova, b129 Poland, b131 Russia, b133 Romania, b148 Slovakia, b165 Turkey.
b168 Ukraine Ukraine 44507749 34952884 603628

№ п/п Ukraine by region (areas) Population of 2001. Voters for 2919 2019-2020 census Square,
ROC members (password access)


at ChNPP

c1 Autonomous Republic of Crimea 1968550 1509107 26081 Information. for chl. COR c8, c26,

c2 Vinnytsia region 1560394 1246531 26513 Information. for chl. COR
c3 Volyn region 1035330 778036 20143 Information. for chl. COR
c4 Dnepropetrovsk region. 3206477 2564954 31914 Information. for chl. COR
c5 Donetsk region 4165901 3174894 26517 Information. for chl. COR
c6 Zhytomyr Oblast 1220193 972601 29832 Information. for chl. COR
c7 Transcarpathian region 1256802 953950 12777 Information. for chl. COR
c8 Zaporozhye region 1705836 1393232 27180 Information. for chl. COR
c9 Ivano-Frank. region 1373252 1065492 13928 Information. for chl. COR
c10 Kiev region 1767940 1502955 28131 Information. for chl. COR
c11 Kirovograd region 945549 748604 24588 Information. for chl. COR
c12 Lugansk region 2151833 1706863 26684 Information. for chl. COR
c13 Lviv region 2522021 1948846 21833 Information. for chl. COR
c14 Nikolaevkskaya area 1131096 900400 24598 Information. for chl. COR
c15 Odessa region 2380308 1800797 33310 Information. for chl. COR
c16 Poltava region 1400439 1138766 28748 Information. for chl. COR
c17 Rovenskaya region 1157301 868492 20047 Information. for chl. COR
c18 Sumy region 1081418 882703 23834 Information. for chl. COR
c19 Ternopil region 1045879 825551 13823 Information. for chl. COR
c20 Kharkov region 2675598 2109118 31415 Information. for chl. COR
c21 Kherson region 1037640 838395 28461 Information. for chl. COR
c22 Khmelnitsky region 1264705 1016881 20629 Information. for chl. COR
c23 Cherkasy region 1206351 993570 20900 Information. for chl. COR
c24 Chernivtsi region 904374 698876 8097 Information. for chl. COR
c25 Chernihiv region 1005745 823636 31865 Information. for chl. COR
c26 Kiev 2950819 2188385 839 Information. for chl. COR
c27 Sevastopol 385998 301249 1079 Information. for chl. COR
b168 Ukraine Ukraine 44507749 34952884 603628


OPG – Of Ukraine, liquidation systems

Народ осуществляет власть через референдум


Zelensky V.A..

Before the Presidential программа

NSE candidates to the PresidentNS


Let's do itabout them together! – who and who? Packed – The people of Ukraine!


Ze with Packed – 73,22% People of Ukraine!

(INпакованные в обертку это двурушники, corrupt officials, embezzlers since 1991. to 2021)

1 2-Acting
3 4


Poroshenko PA.

Empire progress-regression history.

The fragments of her decay

Along the indicated path of the leaders “progressive movement” от майданов до развала территориальной целостности государства Украина.

Language, Faith, Army


Yanukovych V.F.


Yushchenko VM.


Kuchma L.D.


Kravchuk LM.

0.the USSR

Legal reality of Ukraine
Affair 2012 r. Kiev

OPG – r. Kiev – 2012 – 2020r.

The first days of participation in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant did not cause more harm to the liquidators, than scam 2012 KGS and KSCA and its endless continuation on the territory of. Kiev

Residential complex "Klavdievskaya 40"


Figurants: roofing, financing, ordering social housing, construction, exploitation

Total since 2011. to 2015. allocated from the state budget: 64469,93 thousand. UAH..

High-Level Delegates of the Scam

← Budget of Ukraine 49406,20 thousand. UAH →


KSCA budget 15063,73 thousand. UAH.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers №461 from 13.04.11

Bochkovsky S.S.

Administrator of the highest level of budgetary funds of Ukraine 49406,20 thousand. UAH.

Othe main person involved in the scam

Popov OP.

Curator and scammer

Appeal PCC

p.8.4. (Ch.13) Of the agreement №75-6-00523 from 08.2011.

Order Application 16 to the decision of the Kiev City Council 30.12.2010 N 573/5385

4.10 Order Application 16 to the decision of the Kiev City Council 30.12.2010 N 573/5385

p.8, p.13 Resolutions KMU № 461 from 13.04.11., Art. 50 Housing code, The act of 14.12.2012,

Certificate AV series, №16512244591 from 21.12.2012.

State квартиры 4 on 08.08.2013. on the day of arrival

House condition 40b, st. Klavdievskaya, r. Киев до дня выдачи Сертификата

Assistants of the main person involved
Golubchenko A.K.

Mazarchak O.V.

Kuchuk M.I.

The main persons involved in the scam curators

Целовальник С.А.

Представитель архитектуры

Moroz O.V.

LCD K40:

Housing customer



Balance holder


Alekseinko I.O.

Atnyal house 40b Certificate


item 9KMU 461 from


Sergienko O.V.

Took house 40a Certificate


item 9

KMU 461 from


Direct perpetrators of the scam

Denisenko VM.

← Housing Commission of the KMDA →

←Протокол 12→

←Протокол №12→

← n. 4.2 Order,Application 16

← n. 4.10 Order,Application 16

← Act No. 50 house 40b

← Act No. 51 house 40a

Wheat VN.

Scam victims 2012-2020.

Liquidators of the Chernobyl disaster

People with disabilities in the aftermath of the liquidation of the Chernobyl disaster

War invalids

Successor to the 2012 scam.

Klitschko VV.

Continuation of the KGS and KSCA scam 2012., by expanding and strengthening .

Appeal, KGS and KSCA


KSCA budget allocated 15063,73 thousand. UAH.; Decision of the CMR dated 23.07.2015. №763/1627

Covering lawlessness and business structures by st. Klavdievskaya house 40b

Assistants to the successor of the scam
Nikanov I.V..

10.10.14-x(o4o87o50)qn → кгга2-дбжз1 → 27.10.14-y(o4o87o50)

Spasibko A.V.

11.10.14-кгга2 → дбжз1qn → 27.10.14-y(o4o87o50)

Information with other sources

Nepop V.I..

KMDA 21.09.18 № в-13679


Dcity ​​department


Sviatoshynskyi RDA

Judicial branch Of Ukraine

The first


Court of Appeal



Pihur O. IN.


Boots AO.

Nemirovskaya OV,

Sokolova VV.

Krata B. AND.

Antonenko N.. O.

Журавель В. AND.,

Коротуна В. M.,

Kurilo V. NS.,



8. Residential buildings, побудовані за кошти юридичних і фізичних осіб, можуть прийматися в експлуатацію без виконання внутрішніх опоряджувальних робіт у квартирах та вбудовано-прибудованих приміщеннях, які не впливають на експлуатацію будинків, якщо це обумовлено договором про будівництво, за умови відповідності їх санітарним, протипожежним і технічним вимогам. Перелік внутрішніх опоряджувальних робіт, без виконання яких можливе прийняття в експлуатацію житлових будинків, визначається Міністерством будівництва та житлово-комунального господарства. Residential buildings, в яких є побудовані за кошти державного та місцевих бюджетів квартири, that are intended, in particular, для соціально незахищених верств населення (disabled people, учасників Великої Вітчизняної війни, large families, citizens, що постраждали внаслідок Чорнобильської катастрофи, тощо), приймаються в експлуатацію за умови виконання у повному обсязі внутрішніх опоряджувальних робіт в таких квартирах.

13.Зареєстрована декларація або сертифікат є підставою для укладення договорів про постачання на прийнятий в експлуатацію об’єкт необхідних для його функціонування ресурсів – water, газу, heat, електроенергії, включення даних про такий об’єкт до державної статистичної звітності та оформлення права власності на нього.

About registration in ChAESNEV

For registration on the ChAESNEV portal.

This material will be edited after the unification of the ChAESNEV information by using БМЦК – (Digital coding marker letter), the end will be announced in Trending Topics, from this moment registration of those wishing to take part in the programs of ChAESNEV will be allowed.

Visitor willing to register, is obliged to inform for what purpose the registration is carried out:

When registering, a Visitor who wants to register is obliged to inform its purpose –

  1. registration in order to check the possibility of registration on ChAESNEV, it is deleted by the administrator of ChAESNEV. Desirable, do not do such checks!
  2. Decision to subscribe?
  3. Decision to become a member of ChAESNEV projects?

After receiving a registration request by item 2, item 3 or one of them, Admin. CHAESNEV will open a personal account for the person who requested registration in which continued dialogue

01.06.2020r. Admin ChNPP

Users, for which the purpose of registration on the ChAESNEV portal is determined, as well as citizens, whom the administrators of the ChAESNEV portal invite for cooperation on the programs of the ChAESNEV portal –

Have no right to publish materials, which do not correspond to the subject of ChAESNEV, and even more advertising materials, violators will be removed without warning.

11:00, 26.08.2019r. Admin. CHAESV

The main goal of the programs portal ChAESNEV – building a state for the people to control the people of the state, (NGOs). But not through experiments on the people and not in the system of the outdated model of the medieval state, and through a clearly developed algorithm at an intellectual and scientific level, whose ultimate goal, a ready-made model of NGO staffed with personnel from the people, ready for practical application in the life of society NGOs. For this purpose, a system will be used to attract citizens through voluntary registration of users in "Groups»:

1.Political sphere, 2.Economic sphere, 3.Social sphere.

Of all, who passed the registration and those, who is invited, request -

Re-register, register in the programs "Groups"And become participants from the three selected programs, or all, subject to the registration procedure.

If we are a generation living on planet Earth, we want to change our lives, life of their children, and future generations and channel it into the mainstream, which nature created for us, you must understand, whatever god, kings us, nor emperors, no presidents will do it for us, we have to create it ourselves, without using barbaric methods: deception, Maidan, revolutions, coups, wars, this must be done by integration into a single whole of the mind of mankind, living on planet Earth.

Our goalbuilding a state for the people under the control of the people of the state.

Remember – planet earth is able to provide living 60 billion people, and don't forget the axiom, that the number of molecules and atoms remains constant, what a person should not do is to disturb the balance of natural balance.