Military conflict in Ukraine

Concept and Formula UBR to end the war in Ukraine

O myth or reality of creation Priazovskaya regions of Ukraine

Logically correct decision B. Zelensky (this information has no official confirmation). However, the decision to create the Azov region is not devoid of sound logic., it can be created on the basis of two regions controlled by Ukraine, Luhansk and Donetsk, at the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the power of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the economic and military terms of all troops, standing in positions on 10/25/2019., recognize positions as the temporary border of the Ukrainian state. Признать все события которые привели к развалу территориальной целостности Украины, a crime against the people of the state of Ukraine. Investigate and prevent similar phenomena in the future, punish all persons involved in the collapse of the territorial integrity of the state of Ukraine.

Strengthen social and economic development, including investment development of the Azov region:

  1. Construction of apartment buildings, as well as individual housing construction
  2. Introduce the coefficients of supplements to pensions and wages for residents of this territory, as well as citizens, working on a rotational basis.
  3. Introduce restrictions on resettlement from other regions with the exception of the former Donetsk and Luhansk regions
  4. Р.S.

Remains valid –


To the heads of state, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Three Slavic States of Ukraine, Of Russia, Belarus, (UBR), you have everything to end the war in Ukraine and not repeat it in the future, unless, of course, you meet the position of the head of a democratic state, then this issue will be resolved in the near future at the diplomatic level of the UBR.

If the war in Ukraine is not ended in the near future, then the peoples of the states of Ukraine, Of Russia, Belarus must resolve this issue through joint referendums if the peoples of these states seek to build democratic states, worthy of the brotherly Slavic people.

Enough autonomies, individual kings and pseudo patriots who preach war to a victorious end, all this is the ideology that lies at the heart of the construction of states of the medieval type.

Freedom is the future, equality, unification under the rule of the people, for states that manage the property of the people in the interests of the people.



Concept and Formula of UBR to end the war in Ukraine

in Russian, English (for the accuracy of the readable text, verify with the original on a photocopy)



Concept and Formula URB proposed NSE ChNPPV 07.10.2019.

The concept of ending the war in Ukraine

Implemented by a meeting of the Presidents of Ukraine, Of Russia, Belarus, (URB), for the signing of the URB Formula related to the end of the war in Ukraine

The concept is based on –

A meeting, dialogue, signing of the URB Formula by the Presidents of Ukraine, Of Russia, Belarus, subject to recognition of independence, inviolability, territorial integrity of states within the boundaries of 1991.

  • Recognition erroneous


Violations of Russia's geopolitical interests in terms of military strategic parities between Russia and the United States, which were established during the times of the former USSR, when URB were republics of the USSR, including later were in the commonwealth of independent states, (CIS).


Violations in the use of military means instead of diplomatic means in upholding the geopolitical interests of Russia violated by Ukraine.

  • By establishing the right –


Be an arbiter with error recognition functions, admitted by Ukraine and Russia that led to the war in Ukraine, and also be an integrator of uniting the interests of peoples of Slavic origin and their states, on the right to live in peace with each other and the world community of planet Earth, initiate the reduction of small and medium-range missiles, а также подготовки проекта нового договора для его подписания со всем мировым сообществом планеты Земля.

Formula URB

Formula Ukraine, Russia, Byelorussia, (Formula URB),

  1. Since the signing of the URB Formula by the parties, hostilities cease.
  2. The death penalty is introduced under the Martial Law for the use of all types of weapons as performers, and persons whose function is to control the non-use of weapons.
  3. A punishment is introduced in the form of imprisonment for up to 15 years for war propaganda.
  1. Russia:

Within two days withdraws the entire contingent of the military, including military hardware, beyond the borders of Ukraine, the border which is set for the date of 1991., this requirement does not apply to the military contingent and their technical means in the places of their deployment before the date of 2013.

  1. Ukraine:

Does not change the deployment of military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which was formed on the day of the publication of the draft concept on the Internet, are valid after the signing of the URB Formula, including the day of the final recognition of elections in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, после этого граница Украины берется под контроль объединенным контингентом военных сформированных в равном количествах из ВСУ и бывших формирований ДНР и ЛНР, which come under the command of the Armed Forces, остальные структуры органов управления Донецкой и Луганской области формируются в соответствии с Украинским законодательством.

Within a month organizes local elections under the Election Law, including in compliance with the Constitution of Ukraine on the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions or general elections throughout Ukraine, excluding ARC (this is the next stage of negotiations between Ukraine and Russia with the participation of Belarus, as well as a separate, the next stage of negotiations on the restoration of Ukraine's infrastructure in the wake of the military conflict).

  • Persons participants in the Ukrainian conflict with the authorities, until April 2014, exempt from liability, excluding persons – looted, sexual assault, as well as those who committed banditry for profit.
  • Participants in a military conflict, after April 2014, exempt from liability if they acted in accordance with the charter of the armed forces, including compliance with the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of Hostilities.
  • Litigation against persons, committed crimes, set out in part 3 item 5, parts 4 clause 5 is carried out by a panel of three judges, one judge from URB.
  • By faces, sentenced to death, the sentence is carried out after five years.

6. After the expiration of one month from the date of signing the URB Formula, all citizens arrested for participating in an armed conflict are released, except for the persons specified in part 3 item 5, parts 4 item 5



Photocopy of the concept





UBR Concept and Formula in English

The Concept and Formula of URB was offered by the ISE * CHAESV is 10/07/2019.

The concept of ending the war in Ukraine

It is carried out through the meeting of the Presidents of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, (URB), for signing the URB Formula related to ending the war in Ukraine

The basis of the concept includes –

The meeting, the dialogue, and the signing of the URB Formula by the Presidents of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, provided that recognition of the independence, inviolability, and territorial integrity of states within the 1991 borders.

  • Recognition as erroneous –

By Ukraine:

The violations of Russia’s geopolitical interests in terms of military strategic parity between Russia and the United States that were established during the former USSR, when the URB were republics of the USSR, including subsequently consisted of the Commonwealth of Independent States, (CIS).

By Russia:

The violations in the use of military means instead of diplomatic means in upholding the geopolitical interests of Russia violated by Ukraine.

  • The establishment of law –

By Belarus:

To be an arbiter with the functions of recognizing the mistakes made by Ukraine and Russia that led to the war in Ukraine, as well as to be an integrator of the unification of interests of peoples of Slavic origin and their states, on the right to live in peace between themselves and the world community of planet Earth, to initiate the reduction of missiles of short and medium range, as well as preparing a draft of new treaty for its signing with the entire world community of planet Earth.

The URB Formula Formula

Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, (Formula URB),

1. From the moment of signing the URB Formula by the parties, hostilities cease.

2. Introducing the death penalty under the Law of the state of War for the use of all types of weapons by both sides: executors and persons whose function is to control the non-use of weapons.

3. Introducing the punishment of imprisonment of up to 15 years for propaganda of the war.

4. Russia:

Within two days withdraws the entire contingent of the military, including military hardware beyond the borders of Ukraine – the border set on the date of 1991, this requirement does not apply to the military contingent and their technical equipment at their locations until the date of 2013. .

5. Ukraine:

It does not change the deployment of The Armed Forces of Ukraine**, which took place on the day the draft concept was published on the Internet, which are valid after the signing of the URB Formula, including the day of the final recognition of elections in Donetsk and Lugansk regions, after which the Ukrainian border is taken under control by the joint contingent of military forces formed in equal amounts from The Armed Forces of Ukraine and the former formations of the DPR *** and LPR****, which come under the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, other governing structures of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions are formed in accordance with Ukrainian legislation.

Within a month, it organizes local elections under the Electoral Law, including with the observance of the Constitution of Ukraine in the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk regions or general elections throughout Ukraine, with the exception of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea

(This is the next stage of negotiations between Ukraine and Russia with the participation of Belarus, as well as a separate the next stage of negotiations to restore the infrastructure of Ukraine due to the military conflict).

Persons participating in the Ukrainian conflict with the authorities, until April 2014, are exempted from liability, with the exception of those who have committed looting, sexual violence, as well as committed banditry for the purpose of profit.

• Participants in a military conflict, after April 2014, are exempted from liability if they acted in accordance with the charter of the armed forces, including in compliance with the Geneva Convention for the Protection of Civilian Persons during Hostilities.

• Litigation in relation to persons who committed the crimes set forth in part 3 of clause 5, part 4 of clause 5 is carried out by a panel of three judges, one judge from the URB.

• For persons sentenced to death, the sentence is executed after the expiration of a five-year period.

6. After the expiration of one month from the date of signing the URB Formula, all citizens arrested for participating in the armed conflict are released, except for the persons specified in part 3 of clause 5, part 4 of clause 5


*WHEREAS – Independent System Expertise

**The Armed Forces of Ukraine – (Ukrainian: Armed Forces of Ukraine (ZSU) Zbroyni Syly Ukrayiny, (ZSU)) is the military of Ukraine.

***DPR The Donetsk People’s Republic – (DPR or DNR; Russian: Donetsk People's Republic, tr. Donetskaya Narodnaya Respublika

****LPR The Luhansk People’s Republic (Ukrainian: Luhansk People's Republic, romanized: Luhansk People's Republic), also known as Lugansk People’s Republic[5][10] (Russian: Luhansk People's Republic, tr. Luganskaya Narodnaya Respublika LNR,LPRAAuthor of the publication





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