НСЭ чаэсв 170921

On the existing government of Ukraine

State governance institutions of Ukraine - Verkhovna Rada, Administration of the President, like the President himself, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, The judicial system of Ukraine cannot be associated and identical with officials, their leaders, like all employees performing the functions of government institutions, causes:

  1. There is no medical testing for moronism (mental retardation)
  2. There is no aptitude testing for the position held:
    • Having three or more (100) diplomas is not an indicator of professional suitability for the position held in management structures, even if this position is established by the Law on Elections in Ukraine.
    • In modern conditions, a diploma can be purchased without problems - by purchasing it in the passages or through the Internet resources, including. by officially graduating from a higher educational institution, having received a diploma – за неправомерную выгоду от студента преподавателю за получение зачетов и экзаменов.
  3. No requirement for the established length of service for the position
  4. And the worst flaw (vice) buying and selling posts for money.

To restore order in the institutions of government, связанным с назначением на должность обязано осуществляется на основании тестирования для исключения фактов изложенных в п.1 и п.2 его проведение обязан осуществлять искусственный интеллект автоматизированного терминала управления государством функционирующего и разработанного с применением BMCK.

On the facts of violations of the rights of citizens in Ukraine

The legal order in any state depends on the work of the state's law enforcement agencies, central government bodies and subordinate subordinate structures, subject to the implementation by these structures of control over the implementation of the Law and by-laws, how the protection of the rights of citizens on the territory of the state is ensured.

Unfortunately, control over the implementation of the provisions of the Law is not provided., are not resolved at the proper level when appeals about violations of the rights of subjects in Ukraine Part 2 of Article 5 Constitution of Ukraine, (NS). All state authorities without exception, received complaints about violations are sent to subordinate subordinate structures, actions or decisions of which are appealed against in the appeal, instead of checking the reasons not неудовлетворительной работы связанной с не выполнением норм установленных законодательством государства, as a result, the state does not comply with Art. Art. 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 19, 22, 68, Constitution of Ukraine, (NS). Все структуры государства которые обязаны контролировать выполнения норм Закона – without subjects Part 2 of Article 5 NS, даже при получении обращения о нарушениях в течении месяца готовят отписку на обращение. In the unsubscribe, the facts of violations are motivated by a standard set of arguments - the lack of evidence of violations, conflict of interest, Part 2, Article 19 Structures of Ukraine, rules of which, in their opinion, they are prohibited from interfering and stopping violations of Art.. Art. 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 19, 22 NS. The final wish of the authorities in the unsubscribe – end with advice go to court, суди которого в соответствии с h.4, Article 126 КУ не несут ответственности за принятые решения, ( judges of Ukraine have only personal responsibility to themselves, которая заключается в недопущении снижения размеров получаемой неправомерной выгоды, the value of which is proportional to the number of unlawful beneficiaries).

Such an interpretation by the authorities of the norms of the Law in responses to appeals, combined with the conflict existing in the Laws, makes it possible to violate the norms of the Law with impunity and release from liability established Article 68 NS, при полном бездействии правоохранительной системы Украины к существующим нарушениям Закона и подзаконных НПА in the state, this practice of dealing with existing violations is legally classified: Article 5 – as a usurpation of power; Article 6 - as an activity outside the law; Article 8 - how to abolish the rule of law, substitution of the law with expediency of violators and defenders; Article 19 – как крышивание беззакония, creation of an organized criminal group; Article 22 - as the abolition of the scope of existing rights and freedoms of citizens on the territory of the state of Ukraine, substitution of power for established legal guarantees – the disastrous state of the economy, the true cause of which is отсутствия профессионального опыта надлежащего управлением государством с внесением в управление схем коррупции и казнокрадства для получения неправомерной выгоды.

Currently, the reform of the decentralization of state administration is being actively promoted., which consists in the transfer of authority from the central government to the regional government. What other additional powers of the regional authorities are needed , when under existing. without additional, under the leadership of regional authorities – are not carried out with impunity and the rights of subjects are violated Part 2 of Article 5, Article 68 NS, какое государство в отличии от установленного Article 1 NS, over a 30-year period under construction in Ukraine? Это бесконечно дискутируемые вопросы без срока давности на получения ответа и результата, established norms Art. Art. 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 13, 19, 22, 68, KU for the people of Ukraine.

Therefore, based on the analysis of the information of requests subjects h.2, Article 5 NS к региональной власти b168c8q0p0, b168с26q0p0, b168c26f8q0p0 на выводах от анализа с целью ликвидации правового беспорядка всех сфер управлении государством создано BMCK enabling the development of a serially produced highly automated standard terminal- “Automated State Control Terminal (Further – TAUG), in which all control functions are automated based on an artificial programmed intelligent dynamic algorithm. The terminal will be operated by – technical staff, terminal input operators primary information,(by conventional methods, all other operations, Related BMCK are performed automatically), one person will be able to manage the state. Office of the Political, The economic, Социальной сферами осуществляется аналогичными автоматизированными региональными типовыми терминалами, связанными с центральным управляющим терминалом государства.

Admin. CHAESV.

Information about Z.Y.X

WITH – Appeals, Established responsibilities.

WITH – Appeal, Responsibilities set


AND - Answers, Carrying out duties

AND - Answers, Performing duties

X – Conclusions of compliance with defined responsibilities

X – Conclusions of compliance with certain responsibilities


Note - Information Z.Y.X fully functional will be demonstrated after patenting BMCK.

Традиционно в управлении государством остаются ввод первичной информации into the system all other synthesis analysis processes are carried out by an automated system, based on BMCK.

WITH – Appeals, Established responsibilities, Appeals – carried out by the entity or paid, preferential prof. structures, Establishing responsibilities – carried out in accordance with the Law and the NLA by an automated system without human intervention.

AND - Answers, Carrying out duties, Answers – carried out by actors, Carrying out dutiescarried out in accordance with the Law and the NLA by an automated system without human intervention.

X – Conclusions of compliance with defined responsibilities,- осуществляются автоматизированной системой без вмешательства человека.

BMCK this is another step towards the progress of the development of a civilized society on planet Earth, this work is related to the development of large, complex, of highly automated technical and social systems of a large scale, when they are created, the use of collective methods of work is required because, that not only technical problems are being solved, social sphere, but also the organizational and managerial sphere.