before destroying the lungs of the planet Earth, learn to maintain a balance of balance of ecosystems that create a normal habitat for living matter, you must observe and protect the natural balance

before destroying the lungs of the planet Earth, learn to maintain a balance of balance of ecosystems that create a normal habitat for living matter, you must observe and protect the natural balance – before destroying the lungs of the planet Earth, learn to maintain a balance of balance of ecosystems that create a normal habitat for living matter, you must observe and protect the natural balance

Ищите причину природных катаклизм, before destroying the lungs of the planet Earth, learn to maintain a balance of balance of ecosystems that create a normal habitat for living matter, you must observe and protect the natural balance, The worst crime of man is indifference, The worst crime of man is indifference, The worst crime of man is indifference, those, The worst crime of man is indifference, The worst crime of man is indifference, The worst crime of man is indifference, The worst crime of man is indifference, The worst crime of man is indifference. The worst crime of man is indifference, The worst crime of man is indifference, they bring with them all the troubles and cataclysms and, first of all, to the territory where they settle.

they bring with them all the troubles and cataclysms and, first of all, to the territory where they settle, European part of the planet Earth.

Информация о потреблении воды деревьями взята с интернет ресурса: (they bring with them all the troubles and cataclysms and, first of all, to the territory where they settle, they bring with them all the troubles and cataclysms and, first of all, to the territory where they settle);

they bring with them all the troubles and cataclysms and, first of all, to the territory where they settle, 9 they bring with them all the troubles and cataclysms and, first of all, to the territory where they settle (they bring with them all the troubles and cataclysms and, first of all, to the territory where they settle) –

they bring with them all the troubles and cataclysms and, first of all, to the territory where they settle –

Растущая на свободе берёза (from 200000 they bring with them all the troubles and cataclysms and, first of all, to the territory where they settle) they bring with them all the troubles and cataclysms and, first of all, to the territory where they settle 38 they bring with them all the troubles and cataclysms and, first of all, to the territory where they settle, they bring with them all the troubles and cataclysms and, first of all, to the territory where they settle 200, they bring with them all the troubles and cataclysms and, first of all, to the territory where they settle – 120-150 they bring with them all the troubles and cataclysms and, first of all, to the territory where they settle, 115-they bring with them all the troubles and cataclysms and, first of all, to the territory where they settle – they bring with them all the troubles and cataclysms and, first of all, to the territory where they settle 250 they bring with them all the troubles and cataclysms and, first of all, to the territory where they settle, and a hectare of beech plantation of the same age during the growing season – they bring with them all the troubles and cataclysms and, first of all, to the territory where they settle 40000 and a hectare of beech plantation of the same age during the growing season, and a hectare of beech plantation of the same age during the growing season. and a hectare of beech plantation of the same age during the growing season 300 and a hectare of beech plantation of the same age during the growing season, and a hectare of beech plantation of the same age during the growing season 600 they bring with them all the troubles and cataclysms and, first of all, to the territory where they settle. and a hectare of beech plantation of the same age during the growing season, and a hectare of beech plantation of the same age during the growing season, and a hectare of beech plantation of the same age during the growing season 100 and a hectare of beech plantation of the same age during the growing season, and a hectare of beech plantation of the same age during the growing season, and a hectare of beech plantation of the same age during the growing season, and a hectare of beech plantation of the same age during the growing season: and a hectare of beech plantation of the same age during the growing season – 400, and a hectare of beech plantation of the same age during the growing season – 380, and a hectare of beech plantation of the same age during the growing season – 350, grab – 340, grab – 308, grab – 255, grab – 248, grab – 63, they bring with them all the troubles and cataclysms and, first of all, to the territory where they settle – 44, grab – 34 grab – 31.


Не подвергая сомнению взятую из указанного выше интернет ресурса информацию, grab, grab –


Не имеет смысла разъяснять о природном равновесия всех процессов, grab. That's why grab before destroying the lungs of the planet Earth, learn to maintain a balance of balance of ecosystems that create a normal habitat for living matter, you must observe and protect the natural balance, before destroying the lungs of the planet Earth, learn to maintain a balance of balance of ecosystems that create a normal habitat for living matter, you must observe and protect the natural balance.

This article will be constantly supplemented with new materials of human destruction in the anomalous era of the habitat of living matter.

Contact tel. 1-0-2 14.06.2020

Appeal 14.06.20 on tel. 102,

Запись шума на площадке Визетиу А.Т.

  1. Tel 102 time 8:03 - Record of treatment
  2. Tel 102 time 8:30 - Record of treatment
  3. Tel 102 time 8:53 - Record of treatment

Contact tel. 1-0-2 13.06.20

Appeal 13.06.20 on tel. 102,

  1. Tel 102 time 5:27 - Record of treatment

2. Tel 102 time 5:39 - Record of treatment

3. Tel 102 time 6:01 - Record of treatment

4. Tel 102 time 7:02 - Record of treatment

Photo to identify the identity of the offenders

5. Tel 102 time 8:20 - Record of treatment