
    • ZYX
    • Lazebna
    • Marina Vladimirovna
    • b168m3p23lmv
    • Minister of Social Policy
    • Of Ukraine
  • a
    • WITHYX
    • b168m3p23joy Zholnovich O.I.
    • «With»-appeal; «Full name»-subject of circulation; «date»appeal, (is the key of information, stated in the statement; «Full name»-subject being referred to; «»list of subjects; «_»related documents; «nse»independent system expertise.
    • WITHYX
    • b168m3p23lmv Lazebna M.V.
    Withshe110722lmvlnn_andlmv000722or, Minister of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection Lazebnaya M.V..


    • ZYX
    • Klitschko
    • Vitaly Vladimirovich
    • b168c26n1m1p1квв
    • Chairman of the City Council
    • people's deputies. Kiev
    • Chairman of the Kiev
    • State
    • City administration
    • ZYX
    • Chernovetsky
    • Leonid Mikhailovich
    • b168c26m1n1члм
    • Ex-Chairman Kievskaya
    • State
    • City administration
    • ZYX
    • Popov
    • Alexander Pavlovich
    • b168c26m1pop
    • Ex-Chairman of the Kiev
    • State
    • City administration
  • a
    • WITHYX
    • b168c26n1m1p1квв Klitschko VV.
    • WITHYX
    • b168c26m1n1члм L.M. Chernovetskyi.
    • zвай000010m1p1члм
    • .WITHYX
    • b168c26m1pop Popov OP.


Kiev city state administration