
Summer playground near Restaurant Visetiu A.T. 22:08 28.03.21r. 3.Call @ 102(Emergency number)_20210328220957.mp3, tel. connection is cutting off. 2. Call @ 102(Emergency number)_20210328221139.mp3 Не известно какие отчёт напишет полиция о своей работе за сутки 28.03.2021г, когда на практике на реагирует на обращение граждан связанные сContinue Reading

Procedure for granting access

. The access password for the first heads of structures is provided subject to personal identification, which is carried out through the Viber application in the video communication mode. tel.000-000-00-00. This way of access to information intended for the first heads of structures allows – предотвратить утечку информации к нарушителям, starting from… Continue Reading