Sites of the ChAESV portal

Sites of the ChAESV portal

States of the planet EarthI am

  1. 01.10.1939 – 02.10.1945 – 02.10.2022 – 77 anniversary of the victory over Nazism
  2. 26.04.198626.04.202236 anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster
  3. 07.04.2014 07.04.2022 – 8 anniversary of the military conflict in Ukraine

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  • Ch. Chanimality, -but, sr., sobcr. People, human race. (Wikipedia), Элементы материи мироздания (Universe) endowed with reason, which differs from the higher by the limitation of existence in time and space. (Vpdidiva)
  • A. Anominal, from Greek. anomaly fromdeviation from the norm, general pattern, wrong (Wikipedia), processes proceeding from deviations from the norms of the automatic dynamic algorithm of the universe (MAN) as a result of the interaction of the elements of the matter of the universe (Vpdidiva)
  • E. Ere, in chronology starting point of reckoning, onexample: Christian era , (Wikipedia), Periods of evolution of social systems of human society on planet Earth for the entire time of human existence. (Vpdidiva)
  • S. FROMself-destruction, matrido, process, which include interactions between the element of matter of the universe with the elements endowed with reason aimed at the destruction of the element endowed with reason (Did seebut)
  • V. INsurvival, fittest, гармония (Wikipedia), process, который включает взаимодействия между элемента материи мироздания с элементы наделенного разумом направленный на сохранение элемента наделенного разумом (Vpdidiva)

Інформационное содержание портала ЧАЭСВ

Consists of sites:

Automated State Control Terminal (TAUG- Project)
9 TAUG – Ukraine
8 TAUG – planet earth
TAUG – Предпроектные сайты
7 Sub. the site 7 Украина -государство планеты Земля
6 6and – site States of the planet Earth
5 Sub. site 5y Организация самоуправления многоквартирным домом К40б
4 4and – site Organization of self-government in an apartment building
3 3and – site Человек в аномальной эре самоуничтожения и нормальной эре выживания
2 2and – site Man in an abnormal era of self-destruction and survival
1 1and – site Man in an abnormal era of self-destruction and survival


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