
    • Zelensky
    • Vladimir Alexandrovich
    • b168m2p1зва
    • President of Ukraine
    • ZYX
    • Poroshenko
    • Petr Alekseevich
    • b168m2p1ппа
    • Ex-President of Ukraine
    • ZYX
    • Yanukovych
    • Victor Fedorovich
    • b168m2p1зва
    • Ex-President of Ukraine
  • a
    • WITHYX
    • b168m2p1зва Zelensky V.A..
    • «With»-appeal; «Full name»-subject of circulation; «date»appeal, (is the key of information, stated in the statement; «Full name»-subject being referred to; «»list of subjects; «_»related documents; "nse"independent system expertise.
    • WITHYX
    • b168m2p1ппа Poroshenko PA.
    • WITHYX
    • b168m2p1явф Yanukovych V.F.

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