
Summer playground near Restaurant Visetiu A.T. 22:08 28.03.21r.

3.Call @ 102(Emergency number)_20210328220957.mp3, tel. connection is cutting off.

2. Call @ 102(Emergency number)_20210328221139.mp3

It is not known what report the police will write about their work for the day 03/28/2021, когда на практике на реагирует на обращение граждан связанные с нарушении установленного карантина в.т.ч. public order. This day is no exception, it is a multi-year system since 2014., она подтверждается бесчисленным many appeals on tel. 102 to the police, in which measures have never been taken to suppress violations of public order, this was not achieved when contacting the executive, including central, which violates part 4, Article 7 of the Law ” About citizens' appeals”, поэтому на все обращения получены отписки примитивного содержания не основанные на нормах законодательства Украины. Это долго существующий правовой беспредел есть фактом бесконтрольности за работой исполнительной власти в государства со стороны гаранта прав граждан в государстве Украина. The period of long-standing legal lawlessness that exists in relation to disabled war veterans in the house on the street. Klavdievskaya 40b, in Svyatoshinsky district located on the territory of the capital of Ukraine,. Kiev, lawlessness exists as a result of the protection of his defendants in power, this is confirmed by numerous facts, one of them is a fact according to the last appeal to the phone number 102 on 03/28/21. 22:11 – after calling the police, alcoholics talked defiantly among themselves for another whole hour. Only this time, after one hour, the facts of the offense were removed – пустые бутылки от выпитого алкоголя который куплен в магазине Александровском выпит на Всесезонной площадке принадлежащей Визатиу А.Т., такие улики обычно убирались дворником только на утро и то не всегда, happened the next day. Вряд ли алкоголики обладаю культурой, to clean up after myself, the fastest they are warned, in both cases, these are former declassed elements and their bosses, both former and present, this is an organized group of defendants who violate Article 1, Article 3, Article 6, Constitution of Ukraine, and as a consequence, these are the defendants who are involved before 29 summer collapse of the state of Ukraine.

F1. General view of the streets, dimensions, house location 40b , st. Klavdievskaya


Ф3. General view of the house 40b, first floor N / A from No. 101 to No. 105, second floor of apt. 4, 4but, 5, 6, 7, 8, KMDA заселены инвалидами


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Summer playground near Restaurant Visetiu A.T. 22:08 28.03.21r.



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